
Pravični prehod SAŠA > Ekipa > Mojca Rozman

Mojca Rozman

Strokovna sodelavka, Center za pravični prehod SAŠA

Kot del ekipe Centra za pravični prehod SAŠA se ukvarjam s področjem človeških virov.
Sem diplomantka Upravne fakultete, z veliko strastjo do dela z ljudmi. Zelo mi je mar za dogajanje v regiji, ki je v prestrukturiranju, in si prizadevam prispevati k njenemu razvoju. Imam izkušnje z izvajanjem projektov s področja kadrovskih virov, kar mi omogoča, da učinkovito upravljam in razvijam človeške vire. Uživam v timskem delu s sodelavkami, kjer lahko skupaj dosegamo cilje in ustvarjamo pozitivne spremembe. V prostem času se rada posvetim živalim, športu in dobri družbi, kar mi daje energijo in veselje do življenja.
  • mojca.rozman@ra-sasa.si
  • +386 (0) 51 339 223 
  • Pisarna Centra za pravični prehod Titov trg 1, Velenje, Slovenija

About Me

An ecology specialist is a professional who studies the relationship between living organisms and their environment. They may work in a variety of settings, such as research institutions, universities, non-profit organizations, or government agencies. Ecology specialists use scientific methods to investigate how organisms interact with each other and with their physical surroundings, and they may focus on specific areas of study, such as ecosystems, biodiversity, conservation, or climate change.

Personal Experience:

Ecology specialists may be involved in a variety of tasks, including conducting field research, analyzing data, developing conservation strategies, or communicating scientific findings to the public or policymakers. They may also collaborate with other specialists, such as biologists, geologists, or environmental engineers, to address complex environmental issues.

In addition to having strong scientific skills and knowledge, ecology specialists may also have excellent communication and teamwork abilities, as they often need to work with diverse groups of people, such as policymakers, community leaders, or stakeholders in the conservation process.

Our Skills:

In addition to having strong scientific skills and knowledge, ecology specialists may also have excellent communication and teamwork abilities, as they often need to work with diverse groups of people, such as policymakers, community leaders, or stakeholders in the conservation process.

In addition to having strong scientific skills and knowledge, ecology specialists may also have excellent communication and teamwork

10 Years Of Experience
Supplemental Skills

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